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Summary: Kate Argent has kept a little trophy of the Hale fire for all these years - Derek Hale.
When Deputy Stiles Stilinski finds him, he doesn't just need to rescue Derek from the Argents. He needs to rescue Derek from his past.

Kate Argent自Hale家那场大火以来一直收藏着一个小小的纪念品——Derek Hale。而当Stiles Stilinski发现他后,他要做的并不只是从Argent家族手里救出Derek,更要让Derek走出过去的阴影。

这篇我趋向于认为是无差,写的很好!设定上Stiles是副警长,Derek是失足青年【不。作者还打了Kste Argent/Derek Hale的tag,反正Derek被变态阿姨虐的还是蛮惨的(´・_・`) 警告里还有non-con,完全没有印象了啊……反正不是Sterek之间的。总得来说是一个hurt/comfort的故事,Stiles很贴心,也很勇敢。这篇的Derek跟我想的一样,是个很善良的人,看得有点心疼ヾ(༎ຶД༎ຶ)ノ"


He makes sure that Derek comes downstairs for meals, and encourages him to watch TV on the couch for a while afterward. And sometimes, when they pass in the hallway, Derek reaches out and takes Stiles’s hands and bleeds the pain away. Even as Stiles’s hands heal over the next few days, when the black lines become gray lines become hardly anything at all, Stiles lets Derek take his pain.

He smiles at Derek the day that Derek gets nothing. “They hardly hurt at all now. I just get pins and needles a lot. Look.” He waggles his fingers in Derek’s face. “Almost as good as new.”

Derek’s answering smile is tentative, and fucking beautiful.



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